Palace’s Final Tactic: “Seize all assets!” Buckingham Palace Aims to Defeat Meghan Markle and Prince Harry


Buckingham Palace has had its fill of the Sussex circus. That’s right—looks like the Royals have decided to play a game of “ignore the problem and hope it goes away” with Harry and Meghan.  Prince Harry and Meghan decided a few years ago that royal life wasn’t for them. Fair enough; who hasn’t dreamed of quitting their job and moving to California? But here’s the twist—they wanted to keep their royal titles while ditching the responsibilities. It’s like quitting your job at McDonald’s but still expecting free Big Macs for life.

Palace's Final Tactic: How Buckingham Palace Aims to Defeat Meghan Markle and Prince Harry

And boy, have they been busy! Harry dropped a book called *Spare*, which, let’s be honest, should have been titled “Spill the Tea: Royal Edition.” Suddenly, everyone’s dirty laundry is on display for all to see. It’s like a real-life episode of *The Crown*, but with more avocado toast and less epic battle scenes.

Here’s where it gets really interesting. The royal family, known for their stiff upper lips and ability to weather any storm—be it beheadings or Nazi sympathizers—seem to have decided that silence is their new weapon of choice. And let me tell you, it’s proving to be more effective than any strongly worded letter.

First up, Lilibet’s birthday. When I was a kid, not getting a birthday shoutout from my grandparents would have been a meltdown-worthy event. But for the Royals? Crickets. It’s as if Lilibet’s birthday fell into a royal black hole. And it’s not just Lilibet; Archie’s birthday? Same deal. Meghan’s birthday? Nada. It’s like the royal family has collectively decided to hit the mute button on all things Sussex. Talk about a family feud!

Now, some might argue that King Charles is desperate to maintain a relationship with his grandkids. Gossip magazines say so, but actions speak louder than words. And right now, the royal actions are screaming, “We’re done with your drama.”

This place is like the royal version of summer camp. Everyone goes, probably roasting marshmallows over a solid gold fire pit and making daisy chains out of priceless jewels. Okay, maybe not, but you get the idea. It’s a big deal. And guess who’s not invited to the royal summer shindig? Yep, you guessed it—Harry and Meghan. Harry used to call Balmoral “paradise,” but it seems the luster wore off somewhere between leaving the royal family and dishing out family secrets.

And here’s where it gets even juicier. Remember Frogmore Cottage, the place Harry and Meghan renovated to the tune of millions in taxpayer pounds? Well, they’ve been given the royal boot from there too. Now, in a move shadier than a forest on a cloudy day, King Charles is reportedly trying to move Prince Andrew in. It’s like King Charles is saying, “You don’t want it? Fine, I’ll give it to the other problem child.” It’s the royal equivalent of your parents giving your room to your annoying little brother after you move out for college.

But what really gets me is this: all this drama, all this back and forth, is like watching the world’s most expensive, most public family therapy session. And we’re all here for it, eating it up like the last piece of Victoria sponge at a royal party.

What’s really going on here? Is this just a family squabble that’s gotten way out of hand, or is it something deeper? On one side, we have Harry and Meghan, who claim they left because of racism, mental health issues, and lack of support. Those are serious allegations. On the other side, we have the royal family, taking the “if you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all” approach to a new level. They’re ghosting Harry and Meghan harder than a Tinder date who said they’d call but never did.

Caught in the middle are the kids, Archie and Lilibet, who are probably just wondering why they can’t visit their cousins and play with the corgis. It’s like they’re the royal version of kids caught in a messy divorce.

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