‘Wait… This Is Wholesome’: 50 Memes To Brighten Your Mood And Restore Your Faith In Humanity


Everyone feels down and stressed sometimes, but it’s important to remember that joy is also a part of life. Even during tough times, it’s good to remind yourself that the world can be a wonderful and amazing place.

The famous ‘Wait… This Is Wholesome’ Facebook group is a place where heartwarming content is shared by members. Established only two years ago, the online community has expanded greatly. Check out their most uplifting memes to bring some joy to your day. Don’t forget to spread the happiness – someone you know might need it today!

We contacted Hamza Saeed, the founder of the ‘Wait… This Is Wholesome’ Facebook group, and he graciously shared the inspiration behind it. Additionally, we spoke with Glenn Geher, Ph.D., a psychology professor at the State University of New York at New Paltz and an author, to learn about the impact of wholesome memes on our moods. You can read both of Bored Panda’s interviews below.


Dr. Geher mentioned to Bored Panda that positive things can make people feel better.

He explained that the amount and duration of positive effects depend on various factors. For example, some people are naturally more inclined towards negative moods, so they may not benefit as much from positive experiences.

People with higher emotional stability, emotional intelligence, and emotional regulation are more likely to be genuinely touched by simple uplifting stimuli like cute or heartwarming memes on the internet.





He mentioned that he loves cute kitten internet posts and often shares them with his daughter. We both enjoy sending adorable or funny animal memes to our loved ones when we find them.

Dr. Geher shared more information with us about the negativity response bias, describing it as a strong and common emotional phenomenon in humans.

The professor mentioned that we usually focus more on negative things and remember negative experiences better than positive ones.


‘Wait… This Is Wholesome’: 50 Memes To Brighten Your Mood And Restore Your Faith In Humanity





He explained that looking at it from an evolutionary standpoint, it all makes sense because our ancestors who were emotionally vigilant and tended to focus on negativity were better equipped to handle real dangers in their surroundings.

The negative aspect of this bias is that individuals who should be genuinely happy for different reasons might end up feeling negative emotions instead. Encouraging and positive experiences could potentially counteract this bias, even if only temporarily.








‘Wait… This Is Wholesome’: 50 Memes To Brighten Your Mood And Restore Your Faith In Humanity

Discovering the inspiration behind the ‘Wait… This Is Wholesome’ Facebook group was quite interesting. Hamza, the founder of this online community, was eager to share more about it.

Hamza informed us on Facebook that he created this group for people to share their positive daily thoughts and experiences.

He said he wanted to make a space where individuals can find inspiration to remain positive in their daily lives. Hamza thinks that people can stay hopeful by viewing the memes posted on ‘Wait… This Is Wholesome.’

Hamza has created more than one social media group. Besides this one, he also made ‘Female Club,’ a Facebook group with 1.2 million members.







Studies indicate that memes can make us feel better. Penn State University discovered that looking at memes online can boost our happiness and, in turn, enhance our self-assurance.

Currently, the ‘Wait… This Is Wholesome’ group has almost 407k members. The group’s success is thanks to the hard work of its creators and the great memes they share.

The group started a little over two years ago in June 2021 and has quickly gained a large following. Last week, more than 6,000 new members joined. In the past month, nearly 900 memes have been shared in the group.

While a funny and clever meme may not solve all your life problems, it can provide a brief and enjoyable distraction.

Heartwarming and funny memes can help us see life in a new way and remind us that there’s happiness and positivity to be found if we look for it. It’s important to focus on all aspects of life, not just the negative ones.







We’ve discussed before how negativity bias is significant in people’s lives. Generally, humans are wired to pay more attention to negative information than positive.

People often focus on negative feedback and criticism, while overlooking compliments. They also tend to dwell on negative news rather than positive stories. In summary, individuals have a tendency to concentrate on flaws and negative aspects.

Yet, a study by Oxford University’s Reuters Institute revealed that a growing number of individuals are tuning out negative news. The study showed that globally, only 48% of people are now interested in the news, a decrease from 63% in 2017.

Slowing down and appreciating the positive things in our surroundings can help counteract the negativity we encounter every day.

Cultivate thankfulness by writing in a journal and regularly acknowledging the positive aspects of your life. This practice can provide you with the strength and determination needed to overcome challenges in various areas of your life.







Acknowledging that you have shelter and food is crucial, but just being grateful is not enough to solve all your problems. If you are facing real challenges, it’s important to appreciate what you have while also taking proactive steps to make things better. This could involve addressing your finances, health, relationships, or any other areas of your life.

Earlier, I had a conversation with author Ariane Sherine, who wrote ‘How to Live to 100’, discussing how to live a joyful, healthy, and satisfying life.

Having strong relationships with others is crucial for happiness, whether romantic or platonic. Research indicates that the more close friendships and relationships you have, the longer you tend to live, she told us in a previous interview.







She mentioned that volunteering and assisting others can bring happiness. She also pointed out that having a satisfying job, being healthy, and prioritizing non-materialistic things can contribute to our happiness.

The author of ‘How to Live to 100’ mentioned that happiness and well-being can also come from exercising regularly, eating well, feeling financially secure, having job stability, and valuing experiences over material possessions.








Close relationships are crucial for happiness, but it’s also important to take care of yourself. Getting enough rest is vital too. If you’re feeling tired and down, it’s best to sleep or at least rest.

Assisting others, even when we’re feeling low, can have a positive impact on our mood and the community as a whole. Altruism benefits both ourselves and those around us.







Ariane mentioned to Bored Panda that being kind to others can also benefit oneself. Helping someone else with their problems can help take your mind off your own.

The writer believes that happiness comes from improving your situation and accepting that you can’t control everything. Trying to control everything will only make you more anxious, but you can manage certain things to lower your risk.







Which meme brought the biggest smile to your face? Did any of them make you feel more positive about people? Which memes would you share with your friends to brighten their day? Leave a comment at the end of the article and let us know what you think!

Check out some cute and heartwarming memes.











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