Jennifer Garner made a decision to save her family’s history

Jennifer Garner, known for her relatable and approachable persona, has a deep connection to her roots,

particularly her family’s farm in Locust Grove, Oklahoma. Patricia English Garner,

Jennifer’s mother, fondly recalls growing up on the farm,

which her parents purchased in 1936 with a bonus her father received from World War I.

Despite having only $700 at the time, Patricia’s parents invested in the land, and the farm has remained in the family for generations. Patricia vividly remembers the modest beginnings of the farm—a two-room house on 20 acres, with 1 acre dedicated to a Native American cemetery. The purchase involved a day-long negotiation over $20, highlighting the resilience and determination of Jennifer’s grandparents.

The farm, typical of its time, lacked running water and indoor plumbing. It became a place filled with memories for Jennifer’s mother and her siblings as they grew up. Over the years, ownership of the farm changed hands among family members until 2017 when Jennifer Garner decided to acquire it.

Jennifer’s vision for the farm went beyond preserving memories; she aimed to transform it into a thriving business. To achieve this, she enlisted the help of her uncle Robert and aunt Janet, former owners of the farm. The farm, after 40 years, was ready for a revival.

In 2018, Jennifer Garner launched “Once Upon a Farm” alongside co-founders Ari Raz, John Foraker, and Cassandra Curtis. The venture focused on growing organic fruits and vegetables on the family farm to create nutritious food for children. The goal was to bring back the farm’s agricultural legacy, where Jennifer’s mother and her siblings were once avid farmers, selling pecans, lettuce, radishes, and potatoes.

“Once Upon a Farm” aimed to provide organic, locally sourced baby food that prioritizes freshness and nutritional value. Jennifer expressed her dream of reducing stress for busy moms by offering nutrient-rich options for their little ones. The company has seen significant success since its inception, with products available in major retailers across the United States and online through the company’s website.

Jennifer Garner’s commitment to preserving her family’s heritage and using the farm to contribute to a healthy, organic food business reflects her passion for connecting with her roots and making a positive impact on the community.

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