Woman Claims to Have Spent Three Days in Heaven After Dying, Shares Startling Revelation


When a woman’s near-death experience unveils a startling vision of the future, she shares her message with the world. She paints a picture of her life before entering this realm and then after, claiming that she has a mission ahead of her. What follows is not just a return to life, but an awakening to a purpose that transcends her own existence.

Julie Poole looking at a camera for an interview | Source: YouTube/ Life After Life NDE

Julie Poole looking at a camera for an interview | Source: YouTube/ Life After Life NDE

In a YouTube interview with Life After Life NDE, Julie Poole recounted her fantastic experience found below:

Julie Poole’s apartment was dimly lit, the curtains drawn tightly against the world outside. As a spiritual woman and mentor, she was well-versed in spiritual lore and the question of the afterlife. But it was there, in her home, that the weight of her journey, fraught with pain and enlightenment, came into question.

And it was there, when Poole’s past came crashing down, memories of abuse and torment, and a shattered childhood just became too heavy.

An upset woman holding her head | Source: Midjourney

An upset woman holding her head | Source: Midjourney

Poole sat down with an array of bottles lined before her, a grim lineup of potential relief to all her pain. This was not just a cry for help; instead, it was a resignation from a battle she felt she was destined to lose.

As the medication took hold, Poole’s room seemed to dissolve, and a profound cold swept over her.

A row of bottles on a table | Source: Midjourney

A row of bottles on a table | Source: Midjourney

Then, warmth enveloped her being. But it wasn’t a warmth of this earth. Instead, Julie Poole had found herself in a place of ethereal beauty, in a realm that defied the senses but felt undeniably real.


“I’m going home,” Julie whispered, tears streaming down her face as figures of light approached. In her eyes, they were majestic, with their presence both overwhelming and comforting.

An imagining of heaven | Source: Midjourney

An imagining of heaven | Source: Midjourney

This was where Poole found her guides and angels in a realm beyond our own.

“No, you’re not, Julie,” one of her guides replied. “It’s not your time.”

Poole said that she remembered there was “a huge amount of spiritual energy” and that there were “beings and angels around” her, and they were healing her.

Imagined angels and guides in heaven | Source: Midjourney

Imagined angels and guides in heaven | Source: Midjourney

It was when she was surrounded by these spiritual guides that Poole felt an inexplicable pull between worlds.

She didn’t want to do it anymore. She didn’t want to come back.

“But it hurts too much,” she pleaded. “I can’t face that world anymore.”

A close-up of a crying woman | Source: Midjourney

A close-up of a crying woman | Source: Midjourney

According to Poole, her guides and angels refused to keep her with them, stating that she “had more work to do.”

“We did warn you it would be too hard and too overwhelming, and now here you are, 21, trying to check out,” another spirit chimed in, with their tone gentle yet firm.

In her recollection, Poole says that while the guides spoke to her, visions flashed before her eyes. She saw scenes of a future filled with turmoil, but also hope. She said that the beings spoke of a time between the years 2012 and 2032 as being a critical period for humanity.

An imagined scene of turmoil of the world | Source: Midjourney

An imagined scene of turmoil of the world | Source: Midjourney

“This Golden Age,” a guide explained as they moved through the celestial dreamscape that Poole had awoken in, “is about breaking open the shackles of the old. Power, abuse, control—all that has stifled humanity’s true potential.”

Poole states that she watched, mesmerized by scenes of revolutions and awakenings, corrupt leaders falling, and people of pure hearts rising.

An imagined scene of a turmoil and corrupt leaders | Source: Midjourney

An imagined scene of a turmoil and corrupt leaders | Source: Midjourney

“All that is false and fake, untrue and corrupt, will fall away. Equality will no longer be a dream but a reality.”

“But how?” Julie asked, her mind racing with questions.

“By those like you returning with the message, armed with the truth of what can be,” the guide answered her, stopping before something that looked like a boundary. It was a shimmering veil of sorts that separated the realms.

An imagined ethereal guide | Source: Midjourney

An imagined ethereal guide | Source: Midjourney

“And if I go back?” Poole asked.

“You will face challenges, but you will also be a beacon. Your voice will carry the echoes of this truth.”

With a heavy heart, Poole nodded, understanding the weight of her return. As she stepped back through the veil, the last words of the spirits lingered in her mind.

An imagined ethereal guide | Source: Midjourney

An imagined ethereal guide | Source: Midjourney

“Remember, you are never alone.”

Waking up three days later, back in her apartment, the echo of her spiritual journey resonated deep within her. Julie sat up, her resolve now fortified.

The pain was still there, but it was now a beacon and not a burden like before.

A woman laying on a couch | Source: Midjourney

A woman laying on a couch | Source: Midjourney

In her recollection, Julie states that in the weeks that followed, she transformed her life.

She began to speak, to write, to teach. Her experiences, which were once a cage, now became a platform for power. She shared her story of the realms beyond and the coming of age enlightenment that she had been told.

“People of the Earth,” she would say. “We are on the brink of something magnificent. The Golden Age is not just a prophecy; it is a promise.”

A woman writing | Source: Midjourney

A woman writing | Source: Midjourney

As Poole spoke about her words and encounter with the angels and guides on the other side, she touched hearts and sparked minds. The prophecy of the Golden Age was no longer just a burden placed on her. Now, it was a mission, a shared vision of hope.

Through her trials and her journey beyond, Poole had seen a version of the future. It was a future where the weight of the ages would finally lift, and humanity would embrace a dawn filled with light.

A smiling woman | Source: Midjourney

A smiling woman | Source: Midjourney

According to Poole, we’re all in a period where we are awakening beings. Awakening to a greater spiritual transformation, one that seeks to remove all darkness and corruption and bring about a new light.

She also stated that there would be “a lot of activity from what we would call ETS, aliens.”

Imagined contact with other life forms | Source: Midjourney

Imagined contact with other life forms | Source: Midjourney

According to Poole, these beings are “beings of light who are more advanced than us technologically and in every other way. They have been visiting us for many years, and they’ve been helping us for many years, and they do visit, and they have visited.”

Moreover, she said that these beings will intervene when people get “trigger-happy” with nuclear devices.

“They will come in, and they will stop it. They will not let us blow ourselves up; they will not let us destroy this planet; they will step in.”

An imagined nuclear device | Source: Midjourney

An imagined nuclear device | Source: Midjourney

Finally, Poole stated that her goal is to focus on herself.

“So, my plan for my life was to clear karma for myself and from my ancestors, to balance up any harm I’ve done in previous lives by experiencing it in this one. And to be able to overcome to forgive.”

Poole goes on to say that “forgiveness is one of the highest vibrational forms of love.”

A couple hugging | Source: Midjourney

A couple hugging | Source: Midjourney

Through her experience, Poole’s journey tells the story of her life from the brink of despair to a herald of a new era. Her experiences challenge us to consider the vast spectrum of beliefs about what lies beyond death.

And this could be anything from the comforting embrace of an eternal heaven, the quiet possibility and finality of oblivion, or the many other possibilities that different cultures and individuals hold close.

This encounter, while rooted in the concept of a divine revelation and a prophesied Golden Age, also invites reflection on the broader themes of spirituality and personal belief.

An imagined garden in heaven | Source: Midjourney

An imagined garden in heaven | Source: Midjourney

What do you think happens next for us?

If you enjoyed this story, here’s another one for you |

Georgia Teen Collapses during Her High School Graduation and Dies Just a Few Weeks Later

A tragic turn of events has left a community in mourning after the untimely death of 18-year-old Sienna Stewart, a Hiram High School graduate. Sienna’s story is one of perseverance, strength, and an indomitable spirit that touched everyone who knew her.

On May 23, 2024, a tragic incident interrupted the joyous celebration of Hiram High School’s graduation. A young female student collapsed during the ceremony.

In a video shared by the high school, the principal’s voice can be heard, saying, “Just give us a second please, we have a student, just give us a second…” Panic and concern quickly spread as staff called for Sienna Stewart’s mother, Saevon Chum.

When Saevon arrived, she saw paramedics attending to her daughter. She recounted, “When I got there, the ambulance was already there. She had collapsed. She had had another episode. But this was the first time she collapsed unconscious.”

Sienna Stewart receiving her high school diploma, as seen in a video dated May 23, 2024 | Source: YouTube/HiramHighSchool

Sienna Stewart receiving her high school diploma, as seen in a video dated May 23, 2024 | Source: YouTube/HiramHighSchool

A few minutes later, Sienna regained consciousness. But instead of heading to the hospital, she decided to attend the ceremony.

“All she could tell me is, ‘I just want to graduate, I want to walk.’ That’s all she wanted, because she already missed her prom, because before then she was in the hospital and missed her senior prom,” Saevon explained.

Her personality was infectious, marked by her laughter, smile, and unexpected jokes that often left others in stitches.

Sienna Stewart's mother, Saevon Chum, as seen in a video dated June 23, 2024 | Source: YouTube/fox5atlanta

Sienna Stewart’s mother, Saevon Chum, as seen in a video dated June 23, 2024 | Source: YouTube/fox5atlanta

Sienna’s resolve and strength were remarkable. Diagnosed with severe cardiomyopathy at age four, she received a heart transplant when she was eight. This transplant allowed her to live a decade of relatively normal life, filled with the typical joys and challenges of growing up.

However, in April 2024, her health began to decline. “She was diagnosed with heart failure. Her heart transplant heart is getting sick, is getting weak, is slowing down,” Saevon said, explaining the reasons behind her daughter’s collapse.

Despite these challenges, Sienna managed to walk across the stage unaided, receiving her diploma to the applause and admiration of those present.

“It was a scary moment at graduation, but she was a tough cookie ever since she was little. She was just so tough. She was just strength and resilience, she was just so strong,” Saevon reflected.

A screenshot of 12-year-old Sienna Stewart, as seen in a post dated June 6, 2018 | Source: Facebook/saveonc

A screenshot of 12-year-old Sienna Stewart, as seen in a post dated June 6, 2018 | Source: Facebook/saveonc

Sadly, just two weeks after this triumph, Sienna collapsed again, much to the shock and heartbreak of her loved ones.

The impact Sienna had on those around her was profound.

Her mother described the heart-wrenching moment, saying, “You’re just holding your daughter, your child, and you have to [make] that 911 call not knowing if your daughter’s going to wake up or not.”

A lovely setup to celebrate Sienna Stewart's graduation and her incredible life, as seen in a post dated June 16, 2024 | Source: Facebook/lilkim.pov

A lovely setup to celebrate Sienna Stewart’s graduation and her incredible life, as seen in a post dated June 16, 2024 | Source: Facebook/lilkim.pov

Despite initial signs of recovery, Sienna passed away on June 12. Saevon shared her grief and pride in her daughter’s strength:

“They asked if I’d known that she’d had a sick heart for a while. I say ‘yes,’ but you know, you’re never going to be ready to lose your child. As a mom, you feel so proud because she just fought through something that hurts her. You have to be proud. Till the end, I was proud.”

Sienna Stewart's mother, Saevon Chum, as seen in a video dated June 23, 2024 | Source: YouTube/fox5atlanta

Sienna Stewart’s mother, Saevon Chum, as seen in a video dated June 23, 2024 | Source: YouTube/fox5atlanta

In the aftermath of this tragedy, the community has rallied to support the Chum-Stewart family. A GoFundMe campaign titled “Remembering SiSi: Support for the Chum-Stewart Family” has been organized to help cover the funeral expenses and support the family.

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